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Anasinski Group Property Maintenance service

Services We Provide

Our cleaning crews are available around the clock so we are able to provide you with a cleaning after work hours or before your business opens. Weather you would like a cleaning during the week or on the weekend our crews are able to provide you with our services that best fits your schedule and your budget. We assure you that your clients will notice a difference in our cleaning. We also set up a consultation with each one of our clients before we start any work and go over all areas of concern that may have been neglected in the past or wish to be paid more attention to.

Each one of our clients will receive a complete list of what is to be cleaned on a regular on basis. Each commercial account is handled by one of our managers and he or she will follow up with each of our clients on a regular basis.

In addition to delivering excellent pricing and service, we also take great pride in relationships with our clients. We do not disappear after a contract has been signed. We are in the business of building relationships and making sure your business is cleaned to perfection each and every time.

Common Area Cleaning
We provide common area cleaning for multi-unit properties, condo associations and office buildings.  From vacuuming, moping, wiping all glass in entry doors, wiping down all railings, baseboards, throwing out old mail and advertisements,  etc. To replacing light bulbs in hallways and batteries in smoke detectors, cleaning laundry and mail rooms, picking up all debris around properties. Our crews provide thorough and consistent cleaning per each visit.
Commercial Cleaning
Our crews clean and disinfect retail stores, physical rehab facilities, banks, daycare facilities, salons and spas, dentist offices  From daily, weekly, monthly, weekend cleaning, day or night to day porter services, we are here to accommodate your schedule and your budget.
Office Cleaning
   We understand that each client's needs are different and we are able to tailor a janitorial plan that best fits your schedule and       
   needs. Our trained staff provides a thorough cleaning per each visit.  We do not cut corners and we take pride in making sure  
office space is cleaned to your satisfaction.  Whether you occupy a small office or a large corporate building we have the     
   knowledge and experienced staff to provide consistent and detail-oriented cleaning each and every time.
Window Cleaning Services
  We provide residential and store front window cleaning.  Our crews clean window sills, tracks, frames, screens, window wells,    
  storm windows and sky lights.  We do not cut corners nor do we leave any streaks or smears behind.  Each Crew member performs a
  complete walk through with our client before they leave to make sure you are completely satisfied with our work.
Outside Only
# Of Windows
Gutter Cleaning Services
  We go above and beyond to make sure your gutters and downspouts are cleaned and unclogged properly.  We clean all gutters by
  hand and take all debris with us. We rinse out your downspouts making sure water is able to flow properly. Our crews are available 7
  days a week.
1- story Gutter Cleaning $70.00 --- 2- story Gutter Cleaning $95.00
Power washing Services
  We are able to power wash multi-surfaces, from concrete, wooden decks and fences, siding, gutters, lawn furniture, pavers and seal
  as well.  Our team is very detail and safety oriented when it comes to making sure your home or business gets power washed
  properly. Before we leave we rinse all surfaces off with a light rinse making sure we have cleaned each surface thoroughly.
Serving all of the Chicagoland and Suburbs with  Commercial Cleaning, Janitorial Cleaning and Property Maintenance Services
copyright@anasinskigroup.com 2024
Created and Maintained by Computer Tutor & Website Design
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